Data from IoT to cloud – a modern approach

Today, I will present a state-of-the-art approach to transferring data over a mobile network in a secure and resource-friendly way. This client will run on any Linux or Zephyr based device.

Let’s assume we have the following setup where we want to transmit data over a potentially insecure network to a server in our network.

Encrypted data transfer using ZeroMQ

Today, I will present a state-of-the-art approach to transferring data over a mobile network in a secure and resource-friendly way.

We are combining two well-known protocols to reach this goal:

ZeroMQ Pros and Cons


  1. Security: CurveMQ is built with ZeroMQ’s CurveZMQ protocol, providing strong security through elliptic-curve cryptography.
  2. Performance: It’s generally faster and more lightweight than HTTPS, particularly in environments with high message rates or low latency requirements.
  3. Flexibility in Message Patterns: Supports various messaging patterns like request-reply, publish-subscribe, and pipeline, which can be more suitable for complex distributed systems.
  4. No Need for Certificates: CurveMQ does not rely on a PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) or certificates, simplifying deployment in certain scenarios.


  1. Less Common: Not as widely adopted as HTTPS, which can lead to less community support and fewer resources for troubleshooting and integration.
  2. Complexity in Integration: Can be more complex to integrate into existing systems that are primarily built with HTTP/HTTPS in mind.
  3. Limited Browser Support: Not directly supported in web browsers, limiting its use for typical web applications.

Alright, let’s define our sensor data using Protobuf:

Sensor definition

syntax = "proto3";

message SensorData {
    int64 timecode = 1;
    float temperature = 2;
    float voltage = 3;
    string lab_id = 4;

Installing required libraries for Linux:

sudo apt install libzmq3-dev
sudo apt install protobuf-compiler

Here is the complete source code to transmit the data:

// sensor_data.pb.h and are generated from the protoc command
#include "sensor.pb.h"
#include <zmq.hpp>
#include <zmq_addon.hpp>

int main() {
    // Initialize Protocol Buffers

    // Prepare our context and socket
    zmq::context_t context(1);
    zmq::socket_t socket(context, ZMQ_PUSH);
    // Set up CurveZMQ encryption ( replace with your keys :) )
    std::string server_public_key = "-?Svme^B0qxDkeKNvo?Jik88$q:U0[D#g?3<ilgn";
    std::string client_public_key = "jP!dRAJ5ZCE.+pJT67QoNrg-FQGVuNOCSxy)tH^z";
    std::string client_secret_key = "4w1UF3H5G%4b/uZespI.J+X+kLddFxe-?@q0+qY/";

    socket.set(zmq::sockopt::curve_serverkey, server_public_key);
    socket.set(zmq::sockopt::curve_publickey, client_public_key);
    socket.set(zmq::sockopt::curve_secretkey, client_secret_key);


    // Create and fill SensorData message
    SensorData data;

    // Serialize to string
    std::string serialized;

    // Send the serialized data
    zmq::message_t message(serialized.begin(), serialized.end());
    socket.send(message, zmq::send_flags::none);

    // Clean up
    return 0;

Convert protobuf to c++ and compile our sensor binary:

protoc --cpp_out=. sensor.proto
g++ -o sensor main.cpp  -lzmq -lprotobuf

Ok, we are done with the client, let us jump over to the server and install the required libraries for python:

pip install pyzmq
pip install protobuf

We need some crypto keys for the server and the client. The easiest way is to use Python:

(you need to generate two key pairs: One for the server and one for the client. The public server key needs to be included in the client’s C++ code)

import zmq

# Generate a new CurveZMQ key pair
public_key, private_key = zmq.curve_keypair()

print("Public Key: ", public_key.decode('utf-8'))
print("Private Key:", private_key.decode('utf-8'))

And we are nearly done. Let us set up the Python server.

# is generated from the protoc command
import sensor_pb2
import zmq

def main():
    context = zmq.Context()
    socket = context.socket(zmq.PULL)

    # Set up CurveZMQ encryption (replace with your keys)
    server_public_key = b"-?Svme^B0qxDkeKNvo?Jik88$q:U0[D#g?3<ilgn"
    server_secret_key = b"qanpo*qO=qS%EqyqnFgU(<G:kVG+x]u.R5{sYYw#"

    socket.curve_publickey = server_public_key
    socket.curve_secretkey = server_secret_key
    socket.curve_server = True  # This must be a server socket


    while True:
        # Receive a message
        message = socket.recv()

        # Deserialize the data
        data = sensor_pb2.SensorData()

        print(f"Received data: {data}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

2 thoughts on “Data from IoT to cloud – a modern approach

    • irmo Post authorReply

      CurveZMQ relies on cryptographic operations provided by libsodium for its security features, specifically for the CurveCP protocol. Therefore, you would also need a port of libsodium. I guess for a system without an OS, you should look for a different crypto solution. However, protobuf is still a great choice.

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